Sunday, November 28, 2010

Anthemion Pony Bridle

-- Anthemion Pony Bridle --
Equips to: Mouth
Version: 1.1

Treat your precious Pony to a new, fancy bridle that will make them the envy of their stable.

Or just treat your sub to a highly customizable harness that takes many features from the popular Anthemion Slave Harness.

-- Dialog Control --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Un/Lock [ Locks and Unlocks the Bridle ]

Take/Leave Keys [ An independant act of ownershipt taking and leaving the keys will reserve control of the bridle to you, they are
not taken automatically when you lock and are not returned automatically when unlocked ]

Visuals [ Ponyplay visuals submenu ]
Muzzle [ A long pony muzzle "mask" that clips over your ponies mouth and nose ]
Ears [ Cute and poiny pony ears attached to the top of the bridle ]
Mane [ A sleek and well trimmed mane to top off a show ]
Blinders [ Every Pony needs to focus, blinders (sometimes called Blinkers) get the job done ]
Noosehooks [ Sometimes your Pony has been bad and needs a reminder to follow their trainer ]

Plugins [ Plugins / Misc options submenu ]
Reins [ Take the leading reins of the bridle and show your Pony off to the world ]
Give [ Recive a leash handle to hold the reins, a post to secure them in place or a script to add to your own ]
Scan [ Gather a list of objects nearby to attach the reins too, with or without a supporting script in them! ]
Length [ Configure the length of the reins to give your pony some slack or keep them close at hand ]
Mane Colour [ Alter the colour and texture of the Pony Mane. See below for more detail]
Gender [ Mare (Female) or Stallion (Male) ]
Aspect Ratio [ Set the HUD to Widescreen or Fullscreen for a better fit for the Blinders ]
Update [ Check the web-enabled update server for a new version of the Bridle ]

Options [ Primary options submenu ]
Colour [ Set the colour of the bridle and covers (blindfold/earmuffs). See below for more detail ]
Timers [ Set timers with or without delay for gag, earmuffs and/or blindfold. See below for more detail ]
Gag Opt. [ Configure the gag; selecting what type of gag it is and if it blocks IMs and Emotes ]
Misc. [ Gag submenu; set drool and chat range ]
Muffle Opt. [ Configure the earmuffs; setting if it blocks Local, IMs and Emotes as well as how far they can hear. See below for more
detail ]
Blind Opt. [ Configure the blindfold; select the level of opacity for the blindfold HUD, the changes will reflect on the bridle itself
so that others can see in as much as your Pony can see out ]

Un/Gag [ Apply or remove the gag ]

Un/Earmuffs [ Apply or remove the earmuffs ]

Un/Blinfold [ Apply or remove the blindfold ]

-- Colour Menu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Due to it's highly customizable nature the colour menu requires a bit more explination then a few lines. From the get go it is a fairly
simple design, you are faced with nine (9) preset colours:

Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Yellow and White

Some of you may wonder and say "That's not enough to match my slightly puce with a mix of off white shirt" and you'd be right. But
there's where the Custom button comes in and a bit more instruction.

Clicking here you'll be confronted by nine (9) buttons all saying New on them as well as your way back to Presets and previous menus.
How persay do you match oddly coloured clothes? Click one of the many New buttons and follow the steps:

Choose Randomize or Spiral. Randomize is just that, the bridle will randomly pick a colour in the visible spectrum and apply it to the
cuffs for your approval. Spiral will rez a prim in front of you that you must then edit and alter it's colour using the graph, the bridle
will change to match.

When satisfied with your colour click Next and it will ask you for a name. We don't want you to forget where you stored your
concotion of colour so using channel 5 you get to name your colour then click Save. And voila there it is on the menu and a [C] will
appear by it's name when in use to show you that you're using a Custom colour.

But what is the (mostly self explanitory) delete button for then? Click it, then select a Custom colour and poof, deleted and back
to New ready to be customized again.

Have fun with it :)

(As of V 3.1a of the Recolour script some custom colours will be saved. If a custom colour is currently active when the script is reset the
script will detect it as non-default and resave it. This only occurs for the current active colour not for all custom colours at this time )

-- Timers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The timer menu can be a bit confusing at the start, after selecting which modual (gag, earmuffs, or blindfold) you want to set a timer for
you're confronted with a menu of options.

The default setting is addition to timer, selecting a digit of time will add it to how long the modual is locked for. To remove time select the
Minus option and then a digit of time to remove it from the timer.

To set a delay (a delay will run in the background and only trigger the time lock when it expires) select the Delay option and add or remove
digits of time in the same fashion as the Timer. Swap back to timer with the Timer button.

Clear will erase (setting to 0:00:00) the current mode you're on, be that Delay or Timer.

Start will activate the Timer (or Delay if there is one). Selecting Start as the wearer (setting a timer for self bondage) will lock you, the
wearer, out of the menu as well as lock your ability to remove the modual or unlock the overall bridle until all timers have expired. However
all other features of the bridle (not affected by timer) are accessable and should someone else get your keys they will be able to cancle
any running timers... if they choose.

-- Earmuffs: In Depth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

These earmuffs won't just leave your sub seeing dots (RLV blocking of local chat returns all incoming chat as "...") not by a long shot.
While yes, you get the dots; we can't prevent that, there's so much more to the evil behind these. These earmuffs use a built in
"microphone and speaker" system to listen in on what the sub cant hear and will repeat it to the sub, but only after it's passed it
through a filter that distorts the text! A feature once only used in gags to garble text is now applied to earmuffs, the Muffle function
is truly the evil behind it all.

The Muffle function uses a dynamic filter that makes it easier or harder to discern what's being said depending on how far the source
is away from the sub. If you are far away and shouting the sub will get a very distorted message in return that will probably be
impossible to read. But if you're right there, with the sub hugging tight to your leg, there will be no distortion or muffling of your
message at all. The further away you get the worse it is for the sub.

Disclaimer: Anthemion does not take responsibility for any subs that clamp onto their Master/Mistress's legs and refuse
to let go

1 Meter or less - No Distortion
2 Meters to 15 Meters - Normal Distortion
15 Meters to 30 Meters - Heavy Distortion
30 Meters and more - Extreme Distortion

The range menu found in Earmuff Opt. will allow a dynamic, and very specific range to be set. When muffled the sub will not hear
anything that exceeds that set range. We can't stop the dots still so they'll hear that if it's in normal hear range. If the sub is
restricted to 10 meter range and someone talks from 20 meters away, the sub will see the dots but the muffle function described
above will not give them a distorted return of it, they'll get nothing.

-- Lockpicking ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Normally a struggle system is self explanitory. And mine is once you know what it mimics. Better brush up on your Mastermind if
a timer is set or someone grabs your keys cause you'll need it to get free.

With variable difficulty settings (depending on if you're deaf and/or blind) you have to guess a n digit long code of movements to
fashion a new key and unlock your bridle. The only help you'll get is the knowledge of if a move is in the code and in the right place
(Black peg in Mastermind) or if the move is in the code but in the wrong place (White peg in Mastermind).

-- RLV Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Where and what does RLV do with my bridle? (This will explain what activating things will do, deactivating them will do the opposite)

Lock [Prevents the bridle from being detached (@detach=n)]
Gag [Blocks the wearer from talking (@sendchat=n)]
IM [... from sending IMs to anyone except the KeyHolder (@sendim=n)]
Emote [... from using long emotes (@emote=rem)]
Earmuffs [Blocks the wearer from hearing]
Local [... from hearing local (@recvchat=n)]
IM [... from hearing IM except the KeyHolder (@recvim=n)]
Emote [... from hearing Emotes (@recvemote=n)]
Blindfold [Blocks the wearer from seeing names, radar, editing and rezing objects and viewing maps

-- HUD Functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Blinders [Covers peripheral vison forcing you to look straight ahead at all times]
Blindfold [Covers the wearers screen with a solid HUD with variable colour and level of blindness]

-- *Feedback -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The *Feedback notecard is found in the bridles inventory and is key to determining what each action "says". When you lock the bridle
a feedback message is spoken on public, in this notecard you can set what it says. Why then does it need a bit of explination? Because
in order to incorperate names (which, duh, change depending on who does what) a specific code has to be used, here's the breakdown:

(Wearer is the person wearing the bridle, User is the person currently touching the bridle or causeing an action: ie %t locks the bridle
would turn out Lylani locks the bridle because I clicked lock)

%m [ Wearers first name ]
m% [ Wearers last name ]
%M [ Wearers full name ]
%t [ Users first name ]
t% [ Users last name ]
%T [ Users full name ]
%p [ Wearers pony gender and first name ]
p% [ Wearers pony gender and last name ]
%P [ Wearers pony gender and full name ]
%g [ His/Her ]
g% [ He/She ]
%G [ Himself/Herself ]

-- Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

lIllII Beresford - For their help in creating the Lockpicking system (and actually making it work!)

Jaron Bailey, Krystal Slade, Katy Burner, Stephen Yowman and iesus Sweetwater for helping Alpha and Beta test the bridle


When in doubt: reset the script. If problems persist please contact me and I'll see what I can do to fix it.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Anthemion Founder and Designer - Lylani Bellic

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