-- The Anthemion Slave Harness --
Equips to: Mouth
Module head harness that will have your sub begging for release, the Anthemion Slave Harness redefines evil at the hands of
a unique mix of RLV and functionality. Equipped with gag, blindfold and earmuffs your sub will be deprived of all that makes them
human; and they'll either love or hate it, probably both.
Unlike it's predecessor the Trainer Ballgag, who's functions pale in comparison, this is not a key and lock system, and the main
harness cannot be hidden (each module hides but the harness doesn't). Using a true and tested Owner system you wont
have to worry about someone taking the keys if you forgot about them, they're always there, reserved for you or your sub.
And it can be made better! If you script this harness has support for your plugins, a tutorial of how to make them will be released
soon (not out at the time of writing this).
-- Dialog Control ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If the Slave Harness is not in Exposed mode or you are not the sub/owner you will not get any menu for this Harness. The menu
can be alternatively access by voice command. Using the sub's initials as a prefix. ie. lb gag menu spoken on local chat will
return you a dialog, if you're allowed.
-- Sub Menu --
Lock/Unlock - Apply or remove the locks to the harness. Blocks detach (RLV).
Plugins - Access the plugin menu
Default Plugins: These can be removed from the harness but are found there by default
@Home - An example plugin, select one or all modules and set a location as Home, move away and the restrictions apply
and stay until you return to the spot you marked as Home.
Blindfold/Unblind - Apply or remove the blindfold, requires the provided HUD to function. Blocks maps, location and names. (RLV)
Blindfold_HUD - Created by the harness this HUD applies to HUD Center2 and the Harness will want it worn at all times.
Learning from others this HUDs creation task is dynamic, gathering information on the sim you are in it checks if you have
the ability to rez (sadly there is no way to check if you are allowed because of a group position) and if you're allowed it
will rez the HUD as things normally do, the innovative part is that if you're not able to rez it just passes the HUD to your
inventory so that you don't get spammed with an error about how you can't rez and you don't have to run off to a sim you
can rez in just to get your HUD.
Earmuffs/Unmuffle - Apply or remove the earmuffs, the truely evil part of the Slave Harness. Blocks receiving local chat and IMs (RLV)
The Evil Beneath - These earmuffs won't just leave your sub seeing dots (RLV blocking of local chat returns all incoming chat
as "...") not by a long shot. While yes, you get the dots; we can't prevent that, there's so much more to the evil behind these.
Supported by numerous options explained later these earmuffs use a built in "microphone and speaker" system to listen in
on what the sub cant hear and will repeat it to the sub, but only after it's passed it through a filter that distorts the text!
A feature once only used in gags to garble text is now applied to earmuffs, the Muffle function is truly the evil behind it
And that's not even it! The Muffle function uses a dynamic filter that makes it easier or harder to discern what's being said
depending on how far the source is away from the sub. If you are far away and shouting the sub will get a very distorted
message in return that will probably be impossible to read. But if you're right there, with the sub hugging tight to your leg,
there will be no distortion or muffling of your message at all. The further away you get the worse it is for the sub.
Disclaimer: Anthemion does not take responsibility for any subs that clamp onto their Master/Mistress's legs and refuse
to let go
1 Meter or less - No Distortion
2 Meters to 15 Meters - Normal Distortion
15 Meters to 30 Meters - Heavy Distortion
30 Meters and more - Extreme Distortion
Gag/Ungag - Apply or remove the gag. Blocks chat and sending IMs. (RLV)
Garble - Speak on channel one by default to pass your message through the garble filter, a common feature most know about
that distorts your text to make a true gaged sounding response out of you.
The gag will moniter local chat and immediatly report any cheating the sub does when gagged.
-- Sub Options Menu -- Accessed via the Next button, return to main with Previous
Colour - Set the colour of the straps, gag, or coverings (coverings defined as the area over the eyes and ears on blindfold and
Colour Options - All colouring options have a list of twelve defaults along with a randomize button to generate random
colours that can then be saved into one of six custom colour options. Each have six separate custom options. Alternatively
if you can rez in your current zone you can rez a Colour Spiral that will cause the gag to mimic it's current colour, edit the
Spiral to change the colours and save in any of the six custom slots.
Preset Colours:
Orange Yellow Hot Pink
Black Purple Aqua
Pink Green Blue
Red White Metalic
Owner/LeaveOwner - Scan the area for a potential owner, select someone from the list to assign them as owner or leave your
current owner.
Gag Options - Set gag options
Comments - Activate or deactivate idle comments that may be randomly spoken while gagged and not activly talking
Gag Chan. - Previous restricted to channel 1 the channel to garble can be set here to any positive integer (avatars cannot
activly speak on negative channels and 0 is self defeating so the channel is 1 and up)
Ring/Ball Gag - Replace the gag with a ring or ball, no extra prims no new attachments, just change this option
Blind Opt. - Set Blindfold options
Dark/Opaque - Toggle the blindfold between blind and just mostly blind. There is some sight in Dark mode, but really only
during the day and then it's just some shapes or faint colours. Allows you to leave your sub blindfolded for longer because
now they can navigate by themselves ;)
Muffle Opt. - Set Earmuffs options
Hear Range - The evilness continues
Earmuffs Cont. - Just when you thought it was over, the earmuffs evil returns. This menu will allow a dynamic, and very
specific range to be set. When muffled the sub will not hear anything that exceeds that set range. We can't stop the
dots still so they'll hear that if it's in normal hear range. If the sub is restricted to 10 meter range and someone talks from 20
meters away, the sub will see the dots but the muffle function described above will not give them a distorted return of it,
they'll get nothing.
Hide/Show - Hide or show the Hear Range information displayed to the sub in their Locked Menu Options page (described below)
Expose/Protect - Toggle the access mode of the Slave Harness, you can only Expose if you are not Owned. When Exposed
anyone; provided the harness isn't locked, can get a menu and manipulate it.
Timers - Set a timer for one of the three modules.
Options - Independent timers function separately for each of the three modules, a timer set for the gag will not interfere
with one set for the blindfold and each module will deactivate when it's respective timer expires. A timer cannot be removed
once set! (Yes this is on purpose)
Hide Timers - Hides all feedback of timer duration and status, whispers, dialog information, all of it. The sub gets to see just
"Timer Hidden"
AutoLock - Set delayed locks on the modules
Disclaimer: Remeber that timers cannot be cancled and when expired do not unlock the harness just their module; keep this
in mind when setting AutoLocks your sub may be free of their restrictions while you log off leaving AutoLock to mess with
them but they won't be able to remove or unlock the harness when they are done! (This isn't really that bad for people with
Owners but for those using Exposed mode keep this in mind)
Delay - Specify a delay duration, this timer is hidden from the sub at all times but can be checked by the user; once it expires
it will pass the set Timer information to the normal Timer script which will activate the specified modules and set a normal
timer for the duration specified in AutoLock, works with the Hide Timers function
Pause - Won't stop a timer but will pause the Delay from counting down.
Copy - Copy and paste the Delay and Timer information from the current module being set to the other two
Exceptions - Gag, Earmuffs or Both
Options - Another innovation found in the Slave Harness this menu allows you to choose the type and target of an RLV
exception. (RLV exception defined as the ability to IM etc a specific person when the sub is denied sending IMs)
Choosing Gag, Earmuffs or Both will get you to a dialog similar to Owner gives, a list of nearby people for you to choose from.
Selecting a name will add that person as the exception to whichever option you choose. Gag will allow the sub to IM that
person, Earmuffs will allow the sub to hear local chat and receive IMs from that person, and both will allow sending and
receiving of IMs and receiving local chat to and from that person.
An exception will last one hour and can be removed prematurely, only one exception may be active at a time.
Reset - Reset the gag, this is disabled when locked.
Gender - Defaults to Female, a simple function to give gender specific feedback messages.
Version - Check the version and permissions of the harness, mostly useful for the update script but can help tell you if you are
up to date or in need of a new version
-- Exposed/Owner Menu --
This section is condensed, there is no need to repeat what each function does.
Blind Opt.
Muffle Opt.
Ring/Ball Gag - Same option as found in the subs Gag Options menu
-- Locked Menu --
This menu is what the sub will get if someone else locked the harness.
Help - Explains what to do with this menu's many options
Options - Limited functionality and information is allow now allowed the sub when locked. It also displays information on your active
exception, if you have one, and how long there is remaining on the timer aswell as your hearing range if the Earmuffs are worn, and
the information is not hidden from you.
Colour - Recolour your harness as usual
Gender - Alter gender settings
SafeWord - A highly requested function the SafeWord will remove all timers, deactivate any AutoLock timers, remove any active
modules, unlock the harness and (if it's not your set owner) clear the ID of the locker. It does not however return the harness to
Protected mode if you have it exposed. It sends an IM to the locker of your actions and is designed to be impossible to
accidentally tigger.
SafeWord Example: (my notecard imitation of a dialog on your screen)
Lylani Bellic's Slave Harness
To ensure that you are not accidentally hitting this button please input the confirmation code
Code: B5 R8 A1
[M3] [H6] [R8]
[K0] [T4] [W2]
[C7] [L9] [B5]
[A1] [G2] [Back]
In order for the SafeWord to be accepted the sub must input the shown code (generated randomly) one group at a time and in the proper order, in this case inputing [B5], [R8], and [A1] would sucessfully Safeword out of the harness. There is absolutly,
positivly no way this can be done accidentally, it's not an "Opps sorry Master I hit the Safeword button while lagging" kind of
thing. If the Safeword is used it --will-- be intentional.
Request - Similar to Exceptions, but more subservient.
Options - Function of this option is identical to the Exceptions described above except for one detail. The sub can use this
when locked out of their harness and instead of the exception instantly being added a dialog is given to the lock
holder/owner asking them to allow or deny your request. Denial will end the process, acceptance will apply the requested
person and options as the one alloted exception that lasts for one hour and is removable at any time by the lock
Struggles - Nine options, three per module
Jiggle, Push and Force - Struggles for the gag
Fidget, Tug and Slide - Struggles for the blindfold
Twitch, Pry and Nudge - Struggles for the earmuffs
Each module requires fifteen (15) successful struggles to be free of them, the proper one is determined randomly upon each
successful attempt. Each module has twenty (20) tries that will regenerate over time.
When all fifteen are gotten the respective module will unlock and remove itself, however the harness itself will not unlock
even if all locked module are struggled out of!
-- Version Updates ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
V 1.00 - Initial Release
V 1.01 - Fixed several issues with HUD communication
V 1.02 - Changed list replace method to fix several bugs
V 1.03 - Added plugin support
V 1.04 - Added @Home plugin
V 1.05 - Condensed menu text
V 1.06 - Improved HUD creation task, give inventory if owner can't rez
V 1.07 - Improved HUD communication
V 1.08 - Fixed a menu replace issue
V 1.09 - Added Leash plugin
V 1.10 - Repalced reset with struggles, three options for each module
V 1.11 - Added a request exception command
V 1.12 - Added option to set max hear range when muffled
V 1.13 - Added variable severities of muffle depending on distance of speaker from sub
V 1.14 - Removed overlapping command calls, to many attachments use the same voice command
V 1.15 - Added ability for user to change gender in feedback messages
V 1.16 - Fixed several spelling errors
V 1.17 - Added recv IM in the Muffle Exception, fixed the missing name on Request Exception
V 1.18 - Added the ability to hear yourself when muffled
V 1.19 - Removed the need to re-equip the harness when it resets on new owner
V 1.20 - Added access to a couple options when locked by another (colour and gender)
V 1.21 - IM Owner/Lock Holder if the HUD is removed
V 1.22 - Added IM to owner if harness is removed when locked, a function for non-RLV users I neglected
V 1.23 - Renamed the HUD to work with RLV attach points, if you cant rez and it's given to you and you also have an item saying no detach this addition may help
V 1.24 - Improved, again, communcation with the HUD
V 1.25 - Added Version check in menu to help with keeping up to date
V 1.26 - Added option to turn on idly comments while gagged
V 1.27 - Fixed a bug with the HUD that caused it to fail communications upon logging in and script resets, the harness should no longer lose contact when it's reset
V 1.28 - Attempted to improve the leash plugin, but despite my efforts and the efforts of others it just wont behave like a leash; because of this I have removed it from the harness until such time as it can be fixed
V 1.29 - Added information to the locked options page (V 1.20) including who, if one is active, an exception is to and how long is left on it; and, if muffled, the current range of hearing
V 1.30 - Added notification to owner/lock holder of what, if anything, is said by the sub in local chat when gagged; helps to catch cheaters
V 1.31 - Fixed a fairly serious bug with the Reset button not coming back from Disabled when the harness was unlocked
V 1.32 - Added ability to Hide/Show timers, when Hidden all output, public and private, of the duration and remaining time will not be shown
V 1.33 - Fixed an overflow with the colour script
V 1.34 - Added general harness information to locked page instead of repeating what the Help button says
V 1.34 - Added ability to Hide/Show Muffled Hear range from the sub in the locked options page (V 1.20)
V 1.35 - Added duration display of active exception on the exception page seen when asking if the user wants to remove the active exception; the information was passed around for the sub, should be visible to user too
V 1.36 - Allowed the garble channel, previously always channel 1, to be changed by the sub
V 1.37 - Added a SafeWord function that leaves no excuse for "accidental" use. SafeWord requires a random three part code be inputed, if the SafeWord is used rest assured it was intentional
V 1.38 - Fixed several inter-script communication errors that caused a few IMs to fail
V 1.39 - Restructured the menus to fit the new options
V 1.40 - Added a slight opacity change to the blindfold HUD, it provides a very limited field of view that may consist of light coloured objects in the vicinity; this option can be used instead of the full opaque version, which is still avaliable too
V 1.41 - Added an AutoLock function; user can set a delay and timer and, once running, the delay will count down. Once the delay expires the set module will activate with the specified timer
V 1.42 - Added option to change the ball gag into a ring gag with no extra prims or attachments, just click a button
V 1.43 - Fixed some ID issues that would cause dialogs to fail to appear to the right person
----- New Since Last Update -----
V 1.44 - Improved struggling, making it harder to escape
V 1.45 - Added some missing characters to the garble and muffle filters, ~`!@#$%^&*()_+ not that they are especially needed but it's better then a blank spot
V 1.46 - Fixed a menu overload that occured when scanning for exceptions
V 1.47 - Added a customizable Safeword Call function, a message to be spoken when gagged on the set gag channel to access the Safeword menu
V 1.48 - Fixed a (major) issue with the exceptions, both benign and temporary. They previouslly failed to re-instant themselves on logging in.
V 1.49 - Fixed a menu issue that caused Expose/Protect to overwrite Gag Opt.
V 1.50 - Fixed a menu overload when scanning for owners, this prevented people with long names (over 24 characters in total from first and last name) to cause the script to fail and return an error when they are in the area
V 1.51 - Fixed an IM to no one, the "you got caught cheating" alert that happens when you talk while gagged was trying to send an IM to your owner even if you didn't have one set
V 1.52 - Taking advantage of the new RLV 1.16 the harness now uses it's detection to activate a new function. If you are in RLV 1.16 it will disable the need for garble channel, just talk on local; non 1.16 users can still use the garble channel: sendchat is still blocked
V 1.53 - Added user ability to toggle if the base harness hides or stays visible when unrestricted, previously the base harness was always visible
V 1.54 - Fixed an issue where applying then removing temporary exceptions to the keyholder/owner would remove the inate ability to send and recv IM from them, a form of communication that should always be open
V 1.55 - Added a "count up" display, showing how long a modual has been locked along side how long a timer (if any) has left, this count up timer also hides with the Hide Timers option
V 1.56 - Fixed a listen overflow in a couple scripts that caused them to crash
V 1.57 - Fixed an issue with the new RedircChat RLV command which caused duplicate redirections resulting in the sub still being redirected away from local even when ungaged
V 1.58 - Emotes should no longer be considered as cheating
-- Credits --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lets face it, we get ideas from more then our own head. Lets give the credit where it's due.
Marine Kelley - For making Restrained Life without which this would be closer to a paper weight, setting the building blocks for
persistent HUDs (which I did improve upon with the rez/give thing) and the (as far as I know) original concept of the struggle
More credit to Marine, for the concept of the AutoLock system that I now use in my harness.
Darrius Gothly - For helping me so much on my journey through this scripting task without whom the very evil Muffle functions
core may have taken a long time for me to figure.
sissyjosie Lorie and Yar Telling - For being guinea pigs and letting me test an unfinished product on you. Cheers to your bravery.
Veritas Gothly - For being the stalker you are and passing around my name all the time generating interest from others in this
project and motivating me to finish it.
MissJulie Duncan - For your help and ears listening to me blather on about my ideas and giving suggestions and insight into what a Dom/me would want.
When in doubt: reset the script. If problems persist please contact me and I'll see what I can do to fix it.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Anthemion Founder and Designer - Lylani Bellic
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Anthemion Pony Exercise
-- Anthemion Ponygirl Exercise --
Prims: Base - 3, Top - 37
This rusty, and grungy Ponywalker has seen lots of use over time, with four attachment points and variable speed settings it works
well to keep those ponies in shape after days of lounging in their stall.
-- General Features ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AutoPos - When you rez the Top it will automatically seek out the Base (making sure you own both) and move itself into position
above it properly: no need to manually move the top into place!
Menu Lockout - No scanners or proximity detection needed, anyone anywhere can get a menu: except those who are sitting on one
of the four (pink) poseballs.
LockMeister Compatible - Each attach point will attempt to draw a chain to the front of the seated persons collar, this is purely
-- Dialog Control ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On/Off - Self explanitory controls, they toggle the state of the walker; activating it starts it at the last used Speed.
RePos - A sibling to the AutoPos function this will move the Top to the proper position over the Base, this is useful if you've moved
the top or bottom.
Speed_1, Speed_2, Speed_3, Speed_4 - (Default names of March, Trot, Canter and Gallop) These four speeds are highly
customizable via the *Config notecard, their names and rate of spin (speed) are easily changeable by the object owner. Clicking
on one of them while the walker is Off will turn it On at the selected Speed.
Release... - This menu is for RLV users, it allows anyone with menu access (which is anyone not exercising) to "Release" them which
unlocks the persons relay from the walkers control, however they still remain seated if they so choose.
-- *Config Notecard ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The *Config notecard is the heart of function for this device, dictating the names displayed on the menu, the speed of each setting
as well as the list of RLV restrictions that the device will attempt to apply to any user who sits on one of the four poseballs.
Detailed instructions on how to properly edit the notecard are found within the notecard itself.
When in doubt: reset the script. If problems persist please contact me and I'll see what I can do to fix it.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Anthemion Founder and Designer - Lylani Bellic
Prims: Base - 3, Top - 37
This rusty, and grungy Ponywalker has seen lots of use over time, with four attachment points and variable speed settings it works
well to keep those ponies in shape after days of lounging in their stall.
-- General Features ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AutoPos - When you rez the Top it will automatically seek out the Base (making sure you own both) and move itself into position
above it properly: no need to manually move the top into place!
Menu Lockout - No scanners or proximity detection needed, anyone anywhere can get a menu: except those who are sitting on one
of the four (pink) poseballs.
LockMeister Compatible - Each attach point will attempt to draw a chain to the front of the seated persons collar, this is purely
-- Dialog Control ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On/Off - Self explanitory controls, they toggle the state of the walker; activating it starts it at the last used Speed.
RePos - A sibling to the AutoPos function this will move the Top to the proper position over the Base, this is useful if you've moved
the top or bottom.
Speed_1, Speed_2, Speed_3, Speed_4 - (Default names of March, Trot, Canter and Gallop) These four speeds are highly
customizable via the *Config notecard, their names and rate of spin (speed) are easily changeable by the object owner. Clicking
on one of them while the walker is Off will turn it On at the selected Speed.
Release... - This menu is for RLV users, it allows anyone with menu access (which is anyone not exercising) to "Release" them which
unlocks the persons relay from the walkers control, however they still remain seated if they so choose.
-- *Config Notecard ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The *Config notecard is the heart of function for this device, dictating the names displayed on the menu, the speed of each setting
as well as the list of RLV restrictions that the device will attempt to apply to any user who sits on one of the four poseballs.
Detailed instructions on how to properly edit the notecard are found within the notecard itself.
When in doubt: reset the script. If problems persist please contact me and I'll see what I can do to fix it.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Anthemion Founder and Designer - Lylani Bellic
Anthemion Pressure Tank
-- Anthemion Pressure Tank --
Prims: 18 | Mod/NoCopy/Transfer
This glass tank has small compressors hidden benith it that pump pressurized air into the confined space, pressing sealed the door and causeing a few popped ears.
-- Dialog Control ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Main Menu --
Take Keys - Takes the keys to the cage, allowing you to control it. - The cage has a built in Auto Key Return function that will, if active, return the keys to the cage after the timer has expired if the keys were not used (ie cage was locked) or returned.
Leave Keys - Replace the keys, allowing anyone to take them.
Tank Colour - Purely visual effect, recolour the glass tank walls.
Lock - Start the RLV restrictions and access the main controls. (Restricts: Detach, TPLM, TPLure, TPLoc, SitTP)
Open/Close - Open or Close the door, releasing or begining the confining of someone.
-- Locked Menu --
Unlock - Unlocks the cage, lowers the sphere if risen, opens it, and clears all prisoner and operator information.
Tank Colour - Purely visual effect, recolour the glass tank walls.
Leave Keys - Replace the keys, allowing anyone to take them.
Obscure - Similar to Blackout ( a more standard name for the feature) Obscure blocks vision out of the cage and allows people to
see in. The main difference being that it doesn't have to be black. (Restricts: WorldMap, MiniMap, Location, Names)
RLV - Requires Restrained Life Viewer and a Restrained Life Viewer Relay
Activity - Toggle on and off the restriction (Restricts: Edit, Rez, Inventory)
Soundproof - Toggle on and off the restriction (Restricts: SendChat, RecvChat, SendIM, RecvIM);
Clothing - Toggle on and off the restriction. This button and function is only avaliable if the prisoner accepts the dialog presented
them at the time of locking. If they said no or ignored it you will not be able to use this option. (Restricts: AddOutfit, RemOutfit,
Strips all Clothes)
Timelock - Select and start a timer that will automatically unlock the cage and release its occupant of any and all restrictions when it runs out. Set it and forget it or play around.
Penalties - Setup the penalties for not following the rules
Mouselook Penalty - If Mouselook is activated and the prisoner isn't in mouselook turning on penalties will apply the specified time to the timelock as punishment
Mouselook - Force the prisoner into mouselook, failure to do so on their part will cause them to get a ML Cheat marked against
them, a penalty they will pay for in the end.
No Touch - The walls are unsafe, the prisoner cannot click on the cage without getting a NT Cheat marked against them, a penalty
they will pay for in the end.
When in doubt: reset the script. If problems persist please contact me and I'll see what I can do to fix it.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Anthemion Founder and Designer - Lylani Bellic
Prims: 18 | Mod/NoCopy/Transfer
This glass tank has small compressors hidden benith it that pump pressurized air into the confined space, pressing sealed the door and causeing a few popped ears.
-- Dialog Control ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Main Menu --
Take Keys - Takes the keys to the cage, allowing you to control it. - The cage has a built in Auto Key Return function that will, if active, return the keys to the cage after the timer has expired if the keys were not used (ie cage was locked) or returned.
Leave Keys - Replace the keys, allowing anyone to take them.
Tank Colour - Purely visual effect, recolour the glass tank walls.
Lock - Start the RLV restrictions and access the main controls. (Restricts: Detach, TPLM, TPLure, TPLoc, SitTP)
Open/Close - Open or Close the door, releasing or begining the confining of someone.
-- Locked Menu --
Unlock - Unlocks the cage, lowers the sphere if risen, opens it, and clears all prisoner and operator information.
Tank Colour - Purely visual effect, recolour the glass tank walls.
Leave Keys - Replace the keys, allowing anyone to take them.
Obscure - Similar to Blackout ( a more standard name for the feature) Obscure blocks vision out of the cage and allows people to
see in. The main difference being that it doesn't have to be black. (Restricts: WorldMap, MiniMap, Location, Names)
RLV - Requires Restrained Life Viewer and a Restrained Life Viewer Relay
Activity - Toggle on and off the restriction (Restricts: Edit, Rez, Inventory)
Soundproof - Toggle on and off the restriction (Restricts: SendChat, RecvChat, SendIM, RecvIM);
Clothing - Toggle on and off the restriction. This button and function is only avaliable if the prisoner accepts the dialog presented
them at the time of locking. If they said no or ignored it you will not be able to use this option. (Restricts: AddOutfit, RemOutfit,
Strips all Clothes)
Timelock - Select and start a timer that will automatically unlock the cage and release its occupant of any and all restrictions when it runs out. Set it and forget it or play around.
Penalties - Setup the penalties for not following the rules
Mouselook Penalty - If Mouselook is activated and the prisoner isn't in mouselook turning on penalties will apply the specified time to the timelock as punishment
Mouselook - Force the prisoner into mouselook, failure to do so on their part will cause them to get a ML Cheat marked against
them, a penalty they will pay for in the end.
No Touch - The walls are unsafe, the prisoner cannot click on the cage without getting a NT Cheat marked against them, a penalty
they will pay for in the end.
When in doubt: reset the script. If problems persist please contact me and I'll see what I can do to fix it.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Anthemion Founder and Designer - Lylani Bellic
Anthemion Earmuffs
-- Anthemion Earmuffs --
Equips to: Nose
Extracted from the Anthemion Slave Harness the earmuffs strike back as an independant product of evil. In both original prim
design and hidden (small sphere hides in your head) these earmuffs have all the functions that the Slave Harness earmuffs do.
Block your sub from the outside world with ease.
-- Dialog Control ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The main dialog is gotten via voice command, the prim work is either hidden or to small to touch thus no touch event is added; the
menu is instead access via speaking the subs initials on channel 1.
Lock/Unlock - Apply or remove the locks to the earmuffs
Un/Muffle - [Taken from the Slave Harness notecard]
The Evil Beneath - These earmuffs won't just leave your sub seeing dots (RLV blocking of local chat returns all incoming chat
as "...") not by a long shot. While yes, you get the dots; we can't prevent that, there's so much more to the evil behind these.
Supported by numerous options explained later these earmuffs use a built in "microphone and speaker" system to listen in
on what the sub cant hear and will repeat it to the sub, but only after it's passed it through a filter that distorts the text!
A feature once only used in gags to garble text is now applied to earmuffs, the Muffle function is truly the evil behind it
And that's not even it! The Muffle function uses a dynamic filter that makes it easier or harder to discern what's being said
depending on how far the source is away from the sub. If you are far away and shouting the sub will get a very distorted
message in return that will probably be impossible to read. But if you're right there, with the sub hugging tight to your leg,
there will be no distortion or muffling of your message at all. The further away you get the worse it is for the sub.
Disclaimer: Anthemion does not take responsibility for any subs that clamp onto their Master/Mistress's legs and refuse
to let go
1 Meter or less - No Distortion
2 Meters to 15 Meters - Normal Distortion
15 Meters to 30 Meters - Heavy Distortion
30 Meters and more - Extreme Distortion
Range - [Taken from the Slave Harness notecard]
The evilness continues
Earmuffs Cont. - Just when you thought it was over, the earmuffs evil returns. This menu will allow a dynamic, and very
specific range to be set. When muffled the sub will not hear anything that exceeds that set range. We can't stop the
dots still so they'll hear that if it's in normal hear range. If the sub is restricted to 10 meter range and someone talks from 20
meters away, the sub will see the dots but the muffle function described above will not give them a distorted return of it,
they'll get nothing.
Un/Block IM - Only in effect when also Locked and Muffled this will block all incoming IMs except the LockHolders
When in doubt: reset the script. If problems persist please contact me and I'll see what I can do to fix it.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Anthemion Founder and Designer - Lylani Bellic
Equips to: Nose
Extracted from the Anthemion Slave Harness the earmuffs strike back as an independant product of evil. In both original prim
design and hidden (small sphere hides in your head) these earmuffs have all the functions that the Slave Harness earmuffs do.
Block your sub from the outside world with ease.
-- Dialog Control ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The main dialog is gotten via voice command, the prim work is either hidden or to small to touch thus no touch event is added; the
menu is instead access via speaking the subs initials on channel 1.
Lock/Unlock - Apply or remove the locks to the earmuffs
Un/Muffle - [Taken from the Slave Harness notecard]
The Evil Beneath - These earmuffs won't just leave your sub seeing dots (RLV blocking of local chat returns all incoming chat
as "...") not by a long shot. While yes, you get the dots; we can't prevent that, there's so much more to the evil behind these.
Supported by numerous options explained later these earmuffs use a built in "microphone and speaker" system to listen in
on what the sub cant hear and will repeat it to the sub, but only after it's passed it through a filter that distorts the text!
A feature once only used in gags to garble text is now applied to earmuffs, the Muffle function is truly the evil behind it
And that's not even it! The Muffle function uses a dynamic filter that makes it easier or harder to discern what's being said
depending on how far the source is away from the sub. If you are far away and shouting the sub will get a very distorted
message in return that will probably be impossible to read. But if you're right there, with the sub hugging tight to your leg,
there will be no distortion or muffling of your message at all. The further away you get the worse it is for the sub.
Disclaimer: Anthemion does not take responsibility for any subs that clamp onto their Master/Mistress's legs and refuse
to let go
1 Meter or less - No Distortion
2 Meters to 15 Meters - Normal Distortion
15 Meters to 30 Meters - Heavy Distortion
30 Meters and more - Extreme Distortion
Range - [Taken from the Slave Harness notecard]
The evilness continues
Earmuffs Cont. - Just when you thought it was over, the earmuffs evil returns. This menu will allow a dynamic, and very
specific range to be set. When muffled the sub will not hear anything that exceeds that set range. We can't stop the
dots still so they'll hear that if it's in normal hear range. If the sub is restricted to 10 meter range and someone talks from 20
meters away, the sub will see the dots but the muffle function described above will not give them a distorted return of it,
they'll get nothing.
Un/Block IM - Only in effect when also Locked and Muffled this will block all incoming IMs except the LockHolders
When in doubt: reset the script. If problems persist please contact me and I'll see what I can do to fix it.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Anthemion Founder and Designer - Lylani Bellic
Anthemion Pony Bridle
-- Anthemion Pony Bridle --
Equips to: Mouth
Version: 1.1
Treat your precious Pony to a new, fancy bridle that will make them the envy of their stable.
Or just treat your sub to a highly customizable harness that takes many features from the popular Anthemion Slave Harness.
-- Dialog Control --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Un/Lock [ Locks and Unlocks the Bridle ]
Take/Leave Keys [ An independant act of ownershipt taking and leaving the keys will reserve control of the bridle to you, they are
not taken automatically when you lock and are not returned automatically when unlocked ]
Visuals [ Ponyplay visuals submenu ]
Muzzle [ A long pony muzzle "mask" that clips over your ponies mouth and nose ]
Ears [ Cute and poiny pony ears attached to the top of the bridle ]
Mane [ A sleek and well trimmed mane to top off a show ]
Blinders [ Every Pony needs to focus, blinders (sometimes called Blinkers) get the job done ]
Noosehooks [ Sometimes your Pony has been bad and needs a reminder to follow their trainer ]
Plugins [ Plugins / Misc options submenu ]
Reins [ Take the leading reins of the bridle and show your Pony off to the world ]
Give [ Recive a leash handle to hold the reins, a post to secure them in place or a script to add to your own ]
Scan [ Gather a list of objects nearby to attach the reins too, with or without a supporting script in them! ]
Length [ Configure the length of the reins to give your pony some slack or keep them close at hand ]
Mane Colour [ Alter the colour and texture of the Pony Mane. See below for more detail]
Gender [ Mare (Female) or Stallion (Male) ]
Aspect Ratio [ Set the HUD to Widescreen or Fullscreen for a better fit for the Blinders ]
Update [ Check the web-enabled update server for a new version of the Bridle ]
Options [ Primary options submenu ]
Colour [ Set the colour of the bridle and covers (blindfold/earmuffs). See below for more detail ]
Timers [ Set timers with or without delay for gag, earmuffs and/or blindfold. See below for more detail ]
Gag Opt. [ Configure the gag; selecting what type of gag it is and if it blocks IMs and Emotes ]
Misc. [ Gag submenu; set drool and chat range ]
Muffle Opt. [ Configure the earmuffs; setting if it blocks Local, IMs and Emotes as well as how far they can hear. See below for more
detail ]
Blind Opt. [ Configure the blindfold; select the level of opacity for the blindfold HUD, the changes will reflect on the bridle itself
so that others can see in as much as your Pony can see out ]
Un/Gag [ Apply or remove the gag ]
Un/Earmuffs [ Apply or remove the earmuffs ]
Un/Blinfold [ Apply or remove the blindfold ]
-- Colour Menu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Due to it's highly customizable nature the colour menu requires a bit more explination then a few lines. From the get go it is a fairly
simple design, you are faced with nine (9) preset colours:
Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Yellow and White
Some of you may wonder and say "That's not enough to match my slightly puce with a mix of off white shirt" and you'd be right. But
there's where the Custom button comes in and a bit more instruction.
Clicking here you'll be confronted by nine (9) buttons all saying New on them as well as your way back to Presets and previous menus.
How persay do you match oddly coloured clothes? Click one of the many New buttons and follow the steps:
Choose Randomize or Spiral. Randomize is just that, the bridle will randomly pick a colour in the visible spectrum and apply it to the
cuffs for your approval. Spiral will rez a prim in front of you that you must then edit and alter it's colour using the graph, the bridle
will change to match.
When satisfied with your colour click Next and it will ask you for a name. We don't want you to forget where you stored your
concotion of colour so using channel 5 you get to name your colour then click Save. And voila there it is on the menu and a [C] will
appear by it's name when in use to show you that you're using a Custom colour.
But what is the (mostly self explanitory) delete button for then? Click it, then select a Custom colour and poof, deleted and back
to New ready to be customized again.
Have fun with it :)
(As of V 3.1a of the Recolour script some custom colours will be saved. If a custom colour is currently active when the script is reset the
script will detect it as non-default and resave it. This only occurs for the current active colour not for all custom colours at this time )
-- Timers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The timer menu can be a bit confusing at the start, after selecting which modual (gag, earmuffs, or blindfold) you want to set a timer for
you're confronted with a menu of options.
The default setting is addition to timer, selecting a digit of time will add it to how long the modual is locked for. To remove time select the
Minus option and then a digit of time to remove it from the timer.
To set a delay (a delay will run in the background and only trigger the time lock when it expires) select the Delay option and add or remove
digits of time in the same fashion as the Timer. Swap back to timer with the Timer button.
Clear will erase (setting to 0:00:00) the current mode you're on, be that Delay or Timer.
Start will activate the Timer (or Delay if there is one). Selecting Start as the wearer (setting a timer for self bondage) will lock you, the
wearer, out of the menu as well as lock your ability to remove the modual or unlock the overall bridle until all timers have expired. However
all other features of the bridle (not affected by timer) are accessable and should someone else get your keys they will be able to cancle
any running timers... if they choose.
-- Earmuffs: In Depth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
These earmuffs won't just leave your sub seeing dots (RLV blocking of local chat returns all incoming chat as "...") not by a long shot.
While yes, you get the dots; we can't prevent that, there's so much more to the evil behind these. These earmuffs use a built in
"microphone and speaker" system to listen in on what the sub cant hear and will repeat it to the sub, but only after it's passed it
through a filter that distorts the text! A feature once only used in gags to garble text is now applied to earmuffs, the Muffle function
is truly the evil behind it all.
The Muffle function uses a dynamic filter that makes it easier or harder to discern what's being said depending on how far the source
is away from the sub. If you are far away and shouting the sub will get a very distorted message in return that will probably be
impossible to read. But if you're right there, with the sub hugging tight to your leg, there will be no distortion or muffling of your
message at all. The further away you get the worse it is for the sub.
Disclaimer: Anthemion does not take responsibility for any subs that clamp onto their Master/Mistress's legs and refuse
to let go
1 Meter or less - No Distortion
2 Meters to 15 Meters - Normal Distortion
15 Meters to 30 Meters - Heavy Distortion
30 Meters and more - Extreme Distortion
The range menu found in Earmuff Opt. will allow a dynamic, and very specific range to be set. When muffled the sub will not hear
anything that exceeds that set range. We can't stop the dots still so they'll hear that if it's in normal hear range. If the sub is
restricted to 10 meter range and someone talks from 20 meters away, the sub will see the dots but the muffle function described
above will not give them a distorted return of it, they'll get nothing.
-- Lockpicking ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Normally a struggle system is self explanitory. And mine is once you know what it mimics. Better brush up on your Mastermind if
a timer is set or someone grabs your keys cause you'll need it to get free.
With variable difficulty settings (depending on if you're deaf and/or blind) you have to guess a n digit long code of movements to
fashion a new key and unlock your bridle. The only help you'll get is the knowledge of if a move is in the code and in the right place
(Black peg in Mastermind) or if the move is in the code but in the wrong place (White peg in Mastermind).
-- RLV Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Where and what does RLV do with my bridle? (This will explain what activating things will do, deactivating them will do the opposite)
Lock [Prevents the bridle from being detached (@detach=n)]
Gag [Blocks the wearer from talking (@sendchat=n)]
IM [... from sending IMs to anyone except the KeyHolder (@sendim=n)]
Emote [... from using long emotes (@emote=rem)]
Earmuffs [Blocks the wearer from hearing]
Local [... from hearing local (@recvchat=n)]
IM [... from hearing IM except the KeyHolder (@recvim=n)]
Emote [... from hearing Emotes (@recvemote=n)]
Blindfold [Blocks the wearer from seeing names, radar, editing and rezing objects and viewing maps
-- HUD Functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Blinders [Covers peripheral vison forcing you to look straight ahead at all times]
Blindfold [Covers the wearers screen with a solid HUD with variable colour and level of blindness]
-- *Feedback -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The *Feedback notecard is found in the bridles inventory and is key to determining what each action "says". When you lock the bridle
a feedback message is spoken on public, in this notecard you can set what it says. Why then does it need a bit of explination? Because
in order to incorperate names (which, duh, change depending on who does what) a specific code has to be used, here's the breakdown:
(Wearer is the person wearing the bridle, User is the person currently touching the bridle or causeing an action: ie %t locks the bridle
would turn out Lylani locks the bridle because I clicked lock)
%m [ Wearers first name ]
m% [ Wearers last name ]
%M [ Wearers full name ]
%t [ Users first name ]
t% [ Users last name ]
%T [ Users full name ]
%p [ Wearers pony gender and first name ]
p% [ Wearers pony gender and last name ]
%P [ Wearers pony gender and full name ]
%g [ His/Her ]
g% [ He/She ]
%G [ Himself/Herself ]
-- Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
lIllII Beresford - For their help in creating the Lockpicking system (and actually making it work!)
Jaron Bailey, Krystal Slade, Katy Burner, Stephen Yowman and iesus Sweetwater for helping Alpha and Beta test the bridle
When in doubt: reset the script. If problems persist please contact me and I'll see what I can do to fix it.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Anthemion Founder and Designer - Lylani Bellic
Equips to: Mouth
Version: 1.1
Treat your precious Pony to a new, fancy bridle that will make them the envy of their stable.
Or just treat your sub to a highly customizable harness that takes many features from the popular Anthemion Slave Harness.
-- Dialog Control --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Un/Lock [ Locks and Unlocks the Bridle ]
Take/Leave Keys [ An independant act of ownershipt taking and leaving the keys will reserve control of the bridle to you, they are
not taken automatically when you lock and are not returned automatically when unlocked ]
Visuals [ Ponyplay visuals submenu ]
Muzzle [ A long pony muzzle "mask" that clips over your ponies mouth and nose ]
Ears [ Cute and poiny pony ears attached to the top of the bridle ]
Mane [ A sleek and well trimmed mane to top off a show ]
Blinders [ Every Pony needs to focus, blinders (sometimes called Blinkers) get the job done ]
Noosehooks [ Sometimes your Pony has been bad and needs a reminder to follow their trainer ]
Plugins [ Plugins / Misc options submenu ]
Reins [ Take the leading reins of the bridle and show your Pony off to the world ]
Give [ Recive a leash handle to hold the reins, a post to secure them in place or a script to add to your own ]
Scan [ Gather a list of objects nearby to attach the reins too, with or without a supporting script in them! ]
Length [ Configure the length of the reins to give your pony some slack or keep them close at hand ]
Mane Colour [ Alter the colour and texture of the Pony Mane. See below for more detail]
Gender [ Mare (Female) or Stallion (Male) ]
Aspect Ratio [ Set the HUD to Widescreen or Fullscreen for a better fit for the Blinders ]
Update [ Check the web-enabled update server for a new version of the Bridle ]
Options [ Primary options submenu ]
Colour [ Set the colour of the bridle and covers (blindfold/earmuffs). See below for more detail ]
Timers [ Set timers with or without delay for gag, earmuffs and/or blindfold. See below for more detail ]
Gag Opt. [ Configure the gag; selecting what type of gag it is and if it blocks IMs and Emotes ]
Misc. [ Gag submenu; set drool and chat range ]
Muffle Opt. [ Configure the earmuffs; setting if it blocks Local, IMs and Emotes as well as how far they can hear. See below for more
detail ]
Blind Opt. [ Configure the blindfold; select the level of opacity for the blindfold HUD, the changes will reflect on the bridle itself
so that others can see in as much as your Pony can see out ]
Un/Gag [ Apply or remove the gag ]
Un/Earmuffs [ Apply or remove the earmuffs ]
Un/Blinfold [ Apply or remove the blindfold ]
-- Colour Menu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Due to it's highly customizable nature the colour menu requires a bit more explination then a few lines. From the get go it is a fairly
simple design, you are faced with nine (9) preset colours:
Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Yellow and White
Some of you may wonder and say "That's not enough to match my slightly puce with a mix of off white shirt" and you'd be right. But
there's where the Custom button comes in and a bit more instruction.
Clicking here you'll be confronted by nine (9) buttons all saying New on them as well as your way back to Presets and previous menus.
How persay do you match oddly coloured clothes? Click one of the many New buttons and follow the steps:
Choose Randomize or Spiral. Randomize is just that, the bridle will randomly pick a colour in the visible spectrum and apply it to the
cuffs for your approval. Spiral will rez a prim in front of you that you must then edit and alter it's colour using the graph, the bridle
will change to match.
When satisfied with your colour click Next and it will ask you for a name. We don't want you to forget where you stored your
concotion of colour so using channel 5 you get to name your colour then click Save. And voila there it is on the menu and a [C] will
appear by it's name when in use to show you that you're using a Custom colour.
But what is the (mostly self explanitory) delete button for then? Click it, then select a Custom colour and poof, deleted and back
to New ready to be customized again.
Have fun with it :)
(As of V 3.1a of the Recolour script some custom colours will be saved. If a custom colour is currently active when the script is reset the
script will detect it as non-default and resave it. This only occurs for the current active colour not for all custom colours at this time )
-- Timers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The timer menu can be a bit confusing at the start, after selecting which modual (gag, earmuffs, or blindfold) you want to set a timer for
you're confronted with a menu of options.
The default setting is addition to timer, selecting a digit of time will add it to how long the modual is locked for. To remove time select the
Minus option and then a digit of time to remove it from the timer.
To set a delay (a delay will run in the background and only trigger the time lock when it expires) select the Delay option and add or remove
digits of time in the same fashion as the Timer. Swap back to timer with the Timer button.
Clear will erase (setting to 0:00:00) the current mode you're on, be that Delay or Timer.
Start will activate the Timer (or Delay if there is one). Selecting Start as the wearer (setting a timer for self bondage) will lock you, the
wearer, out of the menu as well as lock your ability to remove the modual or unlock the overall bridle until all timers have expired. However
all other features of the bridle (not affected by timer) are accessable and should someone else get your keys they will be able to cancle
any running timers... if they choose.
-- Earmuffs: In Depth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
These earmuffs won't just leave your sub seeing dots (RLV blocking of local chat returns all incoming chat as "...") not by a long shot.
While yes, you get the dots; we can't prevent that, there's so much more to the evil behind these. These earmuffs use a built in
"microphone and speaker" system to listen in on what the sub cant hear and will repeat it to the sub, but only after it's passed it
through a filter that distorts the text! A feature once only used in gags to garble text is now applied to earmuffs, the Muffle function
is truly the evil behind it all.
The Muffle function uses a dynamic filter that makes it easier or harder to discern what's being said depending on how far the source
is away from the sub. If you are far away and shouting the sub will get a very distorted message in return that will probably be
impossible to read. But if you're right there, with the sub hugging tight to your leg, there will be no distortion or muffling of your
message at all. The further away you get the worse it is for the sub.
Disclaimer: Anthemion does not take responsibility for any subs that clamp onto their Master/Mistress's legs and refuse
to let go
1 Meter or less - No Distortion
2 Meters to 15 Meters - Normal Distortion
15 Meters to 30 Meters - Heavy Distortion
30 Meters and more - Extreme Distortion
The range menu found in Earmuff Opt. will allow a dynamic, and very specific range to be set. When muffled the sub will not hear
anything that exceeds that set range. We can't stop the dots still so they'll hear that if it's in normal hear range. If the sub is
restricted to 10 meter range and someone talks from 20 meters away, the sub will see the dots but the muffle function described
above will not give them a distorted return of it, they'll get nothing.
-- Lockpicking ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Normally a struggle system is self explanitory. And mine is once you know what it mimics. Better brush up on your Mastermind if
a timer is set or someone grabs your keys cause you'll need it to get free.
With variable difficulty settings (depending on if you're deaf and/or blind) you have to guess a n digit long code of movements to
fashion a new key and unlock your bridle. The only help you'll get is the knowledge of if a move is in the code and in the right place
(Black peg in Mastermind) or if the move is in the code but in the wrong place (White peg in Mastermind).
-- RLV Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Where and what does RLV do with my bridle? (This will explain what activating things will do, deactivating them will do the opposite)
Lock [Prevents the bridle from being detached (@detach=n)]
Gag [Blocks the wearer from talking (@sendchat=n)]
IM [... from sending IMs to anyone except the KeyHolder (@sendim=n)]
Emote [... from using long emotes (@emote=rem)]
Earmuffs [Blocks the wearer from hearing]
Local [... from hearing local (@recvchat=n)]
IM [... from hearing IM except the KeyHolder (@recvim=n)]
Emote [... from hearing Emotes (@recvemote=n)]
Blindfold [Blocks the wearer from seeing names, radar, editing and rezing objects and viewing maps
-- HUD Functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Blinders [Covers peripheral vison forcing you to look straight ahead at all times]
Blindfold [Covers the wearers screen with a solid HUD with variable colour and level of blindness]
-- *Feedback -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The *Feedback notecard is found in the bridles inventory and is key to determining what each action "says". When you lock the bridle
a feedback message is spoken on public, in this notecard you can set what it says. Why then does it need a bit of explination? Because
in order to incorperate names (which, duh, change depending on who does what) a specific code has to be used, here's the breakdown:
(Wearer is the person wearing the bridle, User is the person currently touching the bridle or causeing an action: ie %t locks the bridle
would turn out Lylani locks the bridle because I clicked lock)
%m [ Wearers first name ]
m% [ Wearers last name ]
%M [ Wearers full name ]
%t [ Users first name ]
t% [ Users last name ]
%T [ Users full name ]
%p [ Wearers pony gender and first name ]
p% [ Wearers pony gender and last name ]
%P [ Wearers pony gender and full name ]
%g [ His/Her ]
g% [ He/She ]
%G [ Himself/Herself ]
-- Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
lIllII Beresford - For their help in creating the Lockpicking system (and actually making it work!)
Jaron Bailey, Krystal Slade, Katy Burner, Stephen Yowman and iesus Sweetwater for helping Alpha and Beta test the bridle
When in doubt: reset the script. If problems persist please contact me and I'll see what I can do to fix it.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Anthemion Founder and Designer - Lylani Bellic
Anthemion Chastity Belt
-- Anthemion Chastity Belt and Bra--
Equips to: Stomach (belt) and Chest (bra)
Version: 2.1
Take control of your girl with this soft, elegant, neopreen lined steel belt; wrap them tight in its unyielding
restraint and remind them just who they belong to.
-- Dialog Control -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Update [ Check the web-enabled update server for a new version of the Belt ]
Reset [ Reset the belt ]
Un/Lock [ Lock and Unlock the belt and bra ]
Options [ Configure various options ]
Apperance [ Change the texture, shine and colour of the belt, bra and pony tail. See "Colour" below for more
detail ]
Retest RLV [ If the belt failed to detect RLV, retest by clicking here ]
Touch Dist. [ Configure the Touch Distance, the maximum range that the belt can be operated from ]
Hide/Show Belt [ Hide or Show the belt prim work, all restrictions remain intact while hidden ]
Access [ Configure the belts many access and control options ]
Expose/Protect [ Set the belt to exposed or protected, exposed allows anyone to access the belt ]
Owner/Retire [ Set or retire from an Owner. They can override other users, if the belt is locked they will get
access eitherway ]
Trusted [ Add/Rem people from the trusted list, people here can access your belt unless previously locked ]
Blacklist [ Add/Rem people from the blacklist, people on the blacklist cannot control your belt in any way.
This preceeds all other access levels ]
Permissions [ Configure the advanced Permmissions System. See "Permissions" below for more detail ]
Accept TP [ Toggle if the Owner can "force" teleport the wearer ]
Shield [ Configure the options concearning the Shield ]
Close/Open [ Place or remove the shield ]
Insert/Rem Dildo [ Insert or remove the dildo ]
Insert/Rem Plug [ Insert or remove the butt plug ]
Vibrators [ Set the power levels of the dildo and plug vibrators. See "Vibrators" below for more detail ]
Leash [ Take the leash or configure its settings ]
Un/Leash [ Grab or release the leash ]
Front/Rear [ Select where the leash is attached (visual effect only) ]
Length [ Set the length of the leash ]
Give [ Recive a leash handle, a post to secure them in place or a script to add to your own ]
Scan [ Gather a list of objects nearby to attach the leash too, with or without a supporting script in
them! ]
Plugins [ Misc. features and settings ]
Tail [ Place or remove the pony tail ]
Bra [ Configure the optional bra settings ]
Un/Lock Bra [ Lock or Unlock the bra independant of the belt ]
Hide/Show Bra [ Hide or Show the bra prim work ]
Chains [ Turn on or off the chains that connect the bra to the belt and collar ]
Chain Spots [ Select any or all of the five chain spots ]
Control [ Configure various RLV functions seperated into sub-categories ]
Walk [ A custom function not related to RLV. See "Walk" below for more detail ]
Timer [ Set timer with or without delay. See "Timers" below for more detail ]
Safeword [ Activate the Safeword when locked by someone to switch control over to the wearer ]
-- Colour Menu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Due to it's highly customizable nature the colour menu requires a bit more explination then a few lines. From the get
go it is a fairly simple design, you are faced with nine (9) preset colours:
Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Yellow and White
Some of you may wonder and say "That's not enough to match my slightly puce with a mix of off white shirt" and you'd
be right. But there's where the Custom button comes in and a bit more instruction.
Clicking here you'll be confronted by nine (9) buttons all saying New on them as well as your way back to Presets and
previous menus. How persay do you match oddly coloured clothes? Click one of the many New buttons and follow the
Choose Randomize or Spiral. Randomize is just that, the bridle will randomly pick a colour in the visible spectrum
and apply it to the belt for your approval. Spiral will rez a prim in front of you that you must then edit and alter
it's colour using the graph, the belt will change to match.
When satisfied with your colour click Next and it will ask you for a name. We don't want you to forget where you
stored your concotion of colour so using channel 5 you get to name your colour then click Save. And voila there it
is on the menu and a [C] will appear by it's name when in use to show you that you're using a Custom colour.
But what is the (mostly self explanitory) delete button for then? Click it, then select a Custom colour and poof,
deleted and back to New ready to be customized again.
Have fun with it :)
(As of V 3.1a of the Recolour script some custom colours will be saved. If a custom colour is currently active when
the script is reset the script will detect it as non-default and resave it. This only occurs for the current active
colour not for all custom colours at this time )
-- Permissions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Permissions System (PS) is the most advanced control this belt offers, giving the wearer extraordinary control
over who can do what with their belt. Working on predefined "User Groups" the PS allows the wearer to grant or
deny access and control to most of the belts functions and menus.
-- The User Groups --
Owner [ This is the person you assigned as Owner ]
Trusted [ These are the people in your trusted list ]
User [ Everyone else, only accessable when the belt is set to Exposed ]
-- The Menus/Controls --
Lock [ Allow or deny the User Group the ability to lock the belt ]
Shield [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Shield menu and it's options ]
Vibrators [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Vibrators menu or control via the Remote HUD ]
Control [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Control menu and it's options ]
Leash [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Leash menu and it's options ]
Timer [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Timer menu and it's options ]
Options [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Options menu and it's options ]
Plugns [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Plugins menu and it's options ]
Strip [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Strip menu and it's options ]
eg. If you set to Deny Lock to User when you set your belt to Exposed people who click on your belt will be able to
do anything with the belt except Lock it.
eg. If you set to Deny Strip to Trusted and User (but allowed to Owner) anyone who is not your Owner will get denied
when they try to Strip you (a submenu in Control, RLV) but the Owner will be able to.
-- Vibrators ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The vibrators contain a mini-game and are compatable with Xcite! products to induce arousal (the Shield blocks orgasm
though so watch out).
There are five power levels to each vibrator (dildo and plug) and five "addiction" levels each. Addiction is a negative
effect that makes the vibrators less effective the more addicted you are to that particulare vibrator. If you use
the dildo vibrator a lot (and orgasm from it) you'll gain addiction levels. After that, untill the addiciton subsides,
furthure use of the dildo will take longer to reach orgasm.
Addiction will not decrease with the vibrator(s) active, fortunatly it works off real time (it counts offline and online
time towards reducing).
-- The Vibrator Control HUD --
This remote control will allow the user (of the HUD) to connect with a belt in the area (provided they pass Permission
checks) and allow them to configure the level of the dildo and plug vibrators from the HUD.
-- Walk -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Walk is a custom made function found in the Control menu (under Travel) designed such because I felt we had RLV methods
for blocking most other forms of travel but people can still walk around. Well, native SL Scripting allows to block
walking so here it is.
The Walk button itself is the standard toggle found in the rest of the Control menu, the Walk Settings menu contains
furhtur options to configure it. This settings menu allows you to set which directions are allowed or denied. If you
want to allow your sub to walk forward but not backwards, easily done. Unable to jump? Done.
A note: Due to Linden Labs.. ehem, oversight, there is no "Turn Left" and "Turn Right" you only get "Turn". Somewhere
in the scripting language these two commands (they do exist seperatly) are conjoined and refuse to operate seperatly.
Blocking Turn Left would block Turning Right too even if you don't want it to. Sadly this means it's a both or neither
situation so a singular "Turn" option is all I can give you.
-- Timers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The default setting is addition to timer, selecting a digit of time will add it to how long the belt is locked for.
To remove time select the Minus option and then a digit of time to remove it from the timer.
To set a delay (a delay will run in the background and only trigger the time lock when it expires) select the Delay
option and add or remove digits of time in the same fashion as the Timer. Swap back to timer with the Timer button.
Clear will erase (setting to 0:00:00) the current mode you're on, be that Delay or Timer.
Start will activate the Timer (or Delay if there is one). Selecting Start as the wearer (setting a timer for self
bondage) will lock you, the wearer, out of the menu as well as lock your ability to remove the modual or unlock the
overall belt until the timers has expired.
-- Credits ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iesus Sweetwater - For help testing in many of the stages through development and help advising on features
Katy Burnder and Stephen Yowman - For help testing the Vibrator Remote HUD
When in doubt: reset the script. If problems persist please contact me and I'll see what I can do to fix it.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Anthemion Founder and Designer - Lylani Bellic
Equips to: Stomach (belt) and Chest (bra)
Version: 2.1
Take control of your girl with this soft, elegant, neopreen lined steel belt; wrap them tight in its unyielding
restraint and remind them just who they belong to.
-- Dialog Control -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Update [ Check the web-enabled update server for a new version of the Belt ]
Reset [ Reset the belt ]
Un/Lock [ Lock and Unlock the belt and bra ]
Options [ Configure various options ]
Apperance [ Change the texture, shine and colour of the belt, bra and pony tail. See "Colour" below for more
detail ]
Retest RLV [ If the belt failed to detect RLV, retest by clicking here ]
Touch Dist. [ Configure the Touch Distance, the maximum range that the belt can be operated from ]
Hide/Show Belt [ Hide or Show the belt prim work, all restrictions remain intact while hidden ]
Access [ Configure the belts many access and control options ]
Expose/Protect [ Set the belt to exposed or protected, exposed allows anyone to access the belt ]
Owner/Retire [ Set or retire from an Owner. They can override other users, if the belt is locked they will get
access eitherway ]
Trusted [ Add/Rem people from the trusted list, people here can access your belt unless previously locked ]
Blacklist [ Add/Rem people from the blacklist, people on the blacklist cannot control your belt in any way.
This preceeds all other access levels ]
Permissions [ Configure the advanced Permmissions System. See "Permissions" below for more detail ]
Accept TP [ Toggle if the Owner can "force" teleport the wearer ]
Shield [ Configure the options concearning the Shield ]
Close/Open [ Place or remove the shield ]
Insert/Rem Dildo [ Insert or remove the dildo ]
Insert/Rem Plug [ Insert or remove the butt plug ]
Vibrators [ Set the power levels of the dildo and plug vibrators. See "Vibrators" below for more detail ]
Leash [ Take the leash or configure its settings ]
Un/Leash [ Grab or release the leash ]
Front/Rear [ Select where the leash is attached (visual effect only) ]
Length [ Set the length of the leash ]
Give [ Recive a leash handle, a post to secure them in place or a script to add to your own ]
Scan [ Gather a list of objects nearby to attach the leash too, with or without a supporting script in
them! ]
Plugins [ Misc. features and settings ]
Tail [ Place or remove the pony tail ]
Bra [ Configure the optional bra settings ]
Un/Lock Bra [ Lock or Unlock the bra independant of the belt ]
Hide/Show Bra [ Hide or Show the bra prim work ]
Chains [ Turn on or off the chains that connect the bra to the belt and collar ]
Chain Spots [ Select any or all of the five chain spots ]
Control [ Configure various RLV functions seperated into sub-categories ]
Walk [ A custom function not related to RLV. See "Walk" below for more detail ]
Timer [ Set timer with or without delay. See "Timers" below for more detail ]
Safeword [ Activate the Safeword when locked by someone to switch control over to the wearer ]
-- Colour Menu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Due to it's highly customizable nature the colour menu requires a bit more explination then a few lines. From the get
go it is a fairly simple design, you are faced with nine (9) preset colours:
Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Yellow and White
Some of you may wonder and say "That's not enough to match my slightly puce with a mix of off white shirt" and you'd
be right. But there's where the Custom button comes in and a bit more instruction.
Clicking here you'll be confronted by nine (9) buttons all saying New on them as well as your way back to Presets and
previous menus. How persay do you match oddly coloured clothes? Click one of the many New buttons and follow the
Choose Randomize or Spiral. Randomize is just that, the bridle will randomly pick a colour in the visible spectrum
and apply it to the belt for your approval. Spiral will rez a prim in front of you that you must then edit and alter
it's colour using the graph, the belt will change to match.
When satisfied with your colour click Next and it will ask you for a name. We don't want you to forget where you
stored your concotion of colour so using channel 5 you get to name your colour then click Save. And voila there it
is on the menu and a [C] will appear by it's name when in use to show you that you're using a Custom colour.
But what is the (mostly self explanitory) delete button for then? Click it, then select a Custom colour and poof,
deleted and back to New ready to be customized again.
Have fun with it :)
(As of V 3.1a of the Recolour script some custom colours will be saved. If a custom colour is currently active when
the script is reset the script will detect it as non-default and resave it. This only occurs for the current active
colour not for all custom colours at this time )
-- Permissions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Permissions System (PS) is the most advanced control this belt offers, giving the wearer extraordinary control
over who can do what with their belt. Working on predefined "User Groups" the PS allows the wearer to grant or
deny access and control to most of the belts functions and menus.
-- The User Groups --
Owner [ This is the person you assigned as Owner ]
Trusted [ These are the people in your trusted list ]
User [ Everyone else, only accessable when the belt is set to Exposed ]
-- The Menus/Controls --
Lock [ Allow or deny the User Group the ability to lock the belt ]
Shield [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Shield menu and it's options ]
Vibrators [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Vibrators menu or control via the Remote HUD ]
Control [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Control menu and it's options ]
Leash [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Leash menu and it's options ]
Timer [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Timer menu and it's options ]
Options [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Options menu and it's options ]
Plugns [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Plugins menu and it's options ]
Strip [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Strip menu and it's options ]
eg. If you set to Deny Lock to User when you set your belt to Exposed people who click on your belt will be able to
do anything with the belt except Lock it.
eg. If you set to Deny Strip to Trusted and User (but allowed to Owner) anyone who is not your Owner will get denied
when they try to Strip you (a submenu in Control, RLV) but the Owner will be able to.
-- Vibrators ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The vibrators contain a mini-game and are compatable with Xcite! products to induce arousal (the Shield blocks orgasm
though so watch out).
There are five power levels to each vibrator (dildo and plug) and five "addiction" levels each. Addiction is a negative
effect that makes the vibrators less effective the more addicted you are to that particulare vibrator. If you use
the dildo vibrator a lot (and orgasm from it) you'll gain addiction levels. After that, untill the addiciton subsides,
furthure use of the dildo will take longer to reach orgasm.
Addiction will not decrease with the vibrator(s) active, fortunatly it works off real time (it counts offline and online
time towards reducing).
-- The Vibrator Control HUD --
This remote control will allow the user (of the HUD) to connect with a belt in the area (provided they pass Permission
checks) and allow them to configure the level of the dildo and plug vibrators from the HUD.
-- Walk -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Walk is a custom made function found in the Control menu (under Travel) designed such because I felt we had RLV methods
for blocking most other forms of travel but people can still walk around. Well, native SL Scripting allows to block
walking so here it is.
The Walk button itself is the standard toggle found in the rest of the Control menu, the Walk Settings menu contains
furhtur options to configure it. This settings menu allows you to set which directions are allowed or denied. If you
want to allow your sub to walk forward but not backwards, easily done. Unable to jump? Done.
A note: Due to Linden Labs.. ehem, oversight, there is no "Turn Left" and "Turn Right" you only get "Turn". Somewhere
in the scripting language these two commands (they do exist seperatly) are conjoined and refuse to operate seperatly.
Blocking Turn Left would block Turning Right too even if you don't want it to. Sadly this means it's a both or neither
situation so a singular "Turn" option is all I can give you.
-- Timers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The default setting is addition to timer, selecting a digit of time will add it to how long the belt is locked for.
To remove time select the Minus option and then a digit of time to remove it from the timer.
To set a delay (a delay will run in the background and only trigger the time lock when it expires) select the Delay
option and add or remove digits of time in the same fashion as the Timer. Swap back to timer with the Timer button.
Clear will erase (setting to 0:00:00) the current mode you're on, be that Delay or Timer.
Start will activate the Timer (or Delay if there is one). Selecting Start as the wearer (setting a timer for self
bondage) will lock you, the wearer, out of the menu as well as lock your ability to remove the modual or unlock the
overall belt until the timers has expired.
-- Credits ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iesus Sweetwater - For help testing in many of the stages through development and help advising on features
Katy Burnder and Stephen Yowman - For help testing the Vibrator Remote HUD
When in doubt: reset the script. If problems persist please contact me and I'll see what I can do to fix it.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Anthemion Founder and Designer - Lylani Bellic
Here we are, a nice spot to store a lot of data. I'll be storing all my notecards here for an easier read.
For now they're quick copy/pastes from the notecards in world, I'll format them nicer later.
For now they're quick copy/pastes from the notecards in world, I'll format them nicer later.
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