Sunday, November 28, 2010

Anthemion Chastity Belt

-- Anthemion Chastity Belt and Bra--
Equips to: Stomach (belt) and Chest (bra)
Version: 2.1

Take control of your girl with this soft, elegant, neopreen lined steel belt; wrap them tight in its unyielding
restraint and remind them just who they belong to.

-- Dialog Control -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Update [ Check the web-enabled update server for a new version of the Belt ]
Reset [ Reset the belt ]

Un/Lock [ Lock and Unlock the belt and bra ]

Options [ Configure various options ]
Apperance [ Change the texture, shine and colour of the belt, bra and pony tail. See "Colour" below for more
detail ]
Retest RLV [ If the belt failed to detect RLV, retest by clicking here ]
Touch Dist. [ Configure the Touch Distance, the maximum range that the belt can be operated from ]
Hide/Show Belt [ Hide or Show the belt prim work, all restrictions remain intact while hidden ]

Access [ Configure the belts many access and control options ]
Expose/Protect [ Set the belt to exposed or protected, exposed allows anyone to access the belt ]
Owner/Retire [ Set or retire from an Owner. They can override other users, if the belt is locked they will get
access eitherway ]
Trusted [ Add/Rem people from the trusted list, people here can access your belt unless previously locked ]
Blacklist [ Add/Rem people from the blacklist, people on the blacklist cannot control your belt in any way.
This preceeds all other access levels ]
Permissions [ Configure the advanced Permmissions System. See "Permissions" below for more detail ]
Accept TP [ Toggle if the Owner can "force" teleport the wearer ]

Shield [ Configure the options concearning the Shield ]
Close/Open [ Place or remove the shield ]
Insert/Rem Dildo [ Insert or remove the dildo ]
Insert/Rem Plug [ Insert or remove the butt plug ]
Vibrators [ Set the power levels of the dildo and plug vibrators. See "Vibrators" below for more detail ]

Leash [ Take the leash or configure its settings ]
Un/Leash [ Grab or release the leash ]
Front/Rear [ Select where the leash is attached (visual effect only) ]
Length [ Set the length of the leash ]
Give [ Recive a leash handle, a post to secure them in place or a script to add to your own ]
Scan [ Gather a list of objects nearby to attach the leash too, with or without a supporting script in
them! ]

Plugins [ Misc. features and settings ]
Tail [ Place or remove the pony tail ]
Bra [ Configure the optional bra settings ]
Un/Lock Bra [ Lock or Unlock the bra independant of the belt ]
Hide/Show Bra [ Hide or Show the bra prim work ]
Chains [ Turn on or off the chains that connect the bra to the belt and collar ]
Chain Spots [ Select any or all of the five chain spots ]

Control [ Configure various RLV functions seperated into sub-categories ]
Walk [ A custom function not related to RLV. See "Walk" below for more detail ]

Timer [ Set timer with or without delay. See "Timers" below for more detail ]

Safeword [ Activate the Safeword when locked by someone to switch control over to the wearer ]

-- Colour Menu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Due to it's highly customizable nature the colour menu requires a bit more explination then a few lines. From the get
go it is a fairly simple design, you are faced with nine (9) preset colours:

Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Yellow and White

Some of you may wonder and say "That's not enough to match my slightly puce with a mix of off white shirt" and you'd
be right. But there's where the Custom button comes in and a bit more instruction.

Clicking here you'll be confronted by nine (9) buttons all saying New on them as well as your way back to Presets and
previous menus. How persay do you match oddly coloured clothes? Click one of the many New buttons and follow the

Choose Randomize or Spiral. Randomize is just that, the bridle will randomly pick a colour in the visible spectrum
and apply it to the belt for your approval. Spiral will rez a prim in front of you that you must then edit and alter
it's colour using the graph, the belt will change to match.

When satisfied with your colour click Next and it will ask you for a name. We don't want you to forget where you
stored your concotion of colour so using channel 5 you get to name your colour then click Save. And voila there it
is on the menu and a [C] will appear by it's name when in use to show you that you're using a Custom colour.

But what is the (mostly self explanitory) delete button for then? Click it, then select a Custom colour and poof,
deleted and back to New ready to be customized again.

Have fun with it :)

(As of V 3.1a of the Recolour script some custom colours will be saved. If a custom colour is currently active when
the script is reset the script will detect it as non-default and resave it. This only occurs for the current active
colour not for all custom colours at this time )

-- Permissions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Permissions System (PS) is the most advanced control this belt offers, giving the wearer extraordinary control
over who can do what with their belt. Working on predefined "User Groups" the PS allows the wearer to grant or
deny access and control to most of the belts functions and menus.

-- The User Groups --

Owner [ This is the person you assigned as Owner ]

Trusted [ These are the people in your trusted list ]

User [ Everyone else, only accessable when the belt is set to Exposed ]

-- The Menus/Controls --

Lock [ Allow or deny the User Group the ability to lock the belt ]
Shield [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Shield menu and it's options ]
Vibrators [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Vibrators menu or control via the Remote HUD ]
Control [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Control menu and it's options ]
Leash [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Leash menu and it's options ]
Timer [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Timer menu and it's options ]
Options [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Options menu and it's options ]
Plugns [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Plugins menu and it's options ]
Strip [ Allow or deny the User Group access to the Strip menu and it's options ]

eg. If you set to Deny Lock to User when you set your belt to Exposed people who click on your belt will be able to
do anything with the belt except Lock it.

eg. If you set to Deny Strip to Trusted and User (but allowed to Owner) anyone who is not your Owner will get denied
when they try to Strip you (a submenu in Control, RLV) but the Owner will be able to.

-- Vibrators ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The vibrators contain a mini-game and are compatable with Xcite! products to induce arousal (the Shield blocks orgasm
though so watch out).

There are five power levels to each vibrator (dildo and plug) and five "addiction" levels each. Addiction is a negative
effect that makes the vibrators less effective the more addicted you are to that particulare vibrator. If you use
the dildo vibrator a lot (and orgasm from it) you'll gain addiction levels. After that, untill the addiciton subsides,
furthure use of the dildo will take longer to reach orgasm.

Addiction will not decrease with the vibrator(s) active, fortunatly it works off real time (it counts offline and online
time towards reducing).

-- The Vibrator Control HUD --

This remote control will allow the user (of the HUD) to connect with a belt in the area (provided they pass Permission
checks) and allow them to configure the level of the dildo and plug vibrators from the HUD.

-- Walk -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Walk is a custom made function found in the Control menu (under Travel) designed such because I felt we had RLV methods
for blocking most other forms of travel but people can still walk around. Well, native SL Scripting allows to block
walking so here it is.

The Walk button itself is the standard toggle found in the rest of the Control menu, the Walk Settings menu contains
furhtur options to configure it. This settings menu allows you to set which directions are allowed or denied. If you
want to allow your sub to walk forward but not backwards, easily done. Unable to jump? Done.

A note: Due to Linden Labs.. ehem, oversight, there is no "Turn Left" and "Turn Right" you only get "Turn". Somewhere
in the scripting language these two commands (they do exist seperatly) are conjoined and refuse to operate seperatly.
Blocking Turn Left would block Turning Right too even if you don't want it to. Sadly this means it's a both or neither
situation so a singular "Turn" option is all I can give you.

-- Timers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The default setting is addition to timer, selecting a digit of time will add it to how long the belt is locked for.
To remove time select the Minus option and then a digit of time to remove it from the timer.

To set a delay (a delay will run in the background and only trigger the time lock when it expires) select the Delay
option and add or remove digits of time in the same fashion as the Timer. Swap back to timer with the Timer button.

Clear will erase (setting to 0:00:00) the current mode you're on, be that Delay or Timer.

Start will activate the Timer (or Delay if there is one). Selecting Start as the wearer (setting a timer for self
bondage) will lock you, the wearer, out of the menu as well as lock your ability to remove the modual or unlock the
overall belt until the timers has expired.

-- Credits ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

iesus Sweetwater - For help testing in many of the stages through development and help advising on features

Katy Burnder and Stephen Yowman - For help testing the Vibrator Remote HUD


When in doubt: reset the script. If problems persist please contact me and I'll see what I can do to fix it.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Anthemion Founder and Designer - Lylani Bellic

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