-- Anthemion Platinum Series Collar --
Equips to: Spine
Version: 1.0
-- Dialog Control -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Take/Leave Keys [ An independent act of ownership taking and leaving the keys will reserve control of the collar to you, they are
not taken automatically when you lock and are not returned automatically when unlocked ]
Un/Lock [ Locks and Unlocks the Collar ]
Plugins [ Plugins/Misc options submenu ]
Timer [ Set a timer, with or without delay, for the collars lock ]
Update [ Check the web-enabled update server for a new version of the Collar ]
Gender [ ♀ Female and ♂ Male ]
Control [ Configure various RLV functions separated into sub-categories ]
Walk [ A custom function not related to RLV. See "Walk" below for more detail ]
Force TP [ A landmark based forced TP. See "Force TP" below for more detail ]
Leash [ Take the leash or configure its settings ]
Un/Leash [ Grab or release the leash ]
Front/Rear [ Select where the leash is attached (visual effect only) ]
Length [ Set the length of the leash ]
Give [ Receive a leash handle, a post to secure them in place or a script to add to your own ]
Scan [ Gather a list of objects nearby to attach the leash too, with or without a supporting script in
them! ]
Options [ Configure various options ]
Appearance [ Change the colour, texture and shine of the collar ]
Engraving [ Engrave a message in the collars band. See below for more detail ]
Resize [ Script based prim resizer - only usable by wearer! ]
Access [ Configure the various control settings. See below for more detail ]
Safeword [ Activate the Safeword when locked by someone to switch control over to the wearer ]
-- Voice Control -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you're holding the keys to the collar you have access to a few voice commands that should make things a bit easier. All commands are spoken on channel 15 and can
use the wearers initials as a prefix. I say can because their use is optional, howerver if you do not use the prefix then every collar in range whos keys you have will respond,
this can be useful or annoying so keep in mind what you want to do.
Commands are not case sensitive but they are space sensitive.
[Chanel] [Optional Initials] [Command] [Data, if required]
/15 lb engrave Evil Pet
"Menu" [ Opens the main menu just as if you'd clicked the collar ]
"Lock" [ Locks and Unlocks the Collar ]
"Leash" [ Grab or release the leash ]
"Length #" [ Replace # with how long you want the leash length to be ]
"Engrave L R" [ Replace L and R with the words you want on the L and R side ]
"Engraving L R" [ Same as Engrave above, just an alternat wording to the command ]
-- Colour Menu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Due to it's highly customizable nature the colour menu requires a bit more explanation then a few lines. From the get go it is a fairly simple design, you are faced with nine
(9) preset colours:
Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Yellow and White
Some of you may wonder and say "That's not enough to match my slightly puce with a mix of off white shirt" and you'd be right. But there's where the Custom button
comes in and a bit more instruction.
Clicking here you'll be confronted by nine (9) buttons all saying New on them as well as your way back to Presets and previous menus. How persay do you match oddly
coloured clothes? Click one of the many New buttons and follow the steps:
Choose Randomize or Spiral. Randomize is just that, the collar will randomly pick a colour in the visible spectrum and apply it to the collar for your approval. Spiral will
rez a prim in front of you that you must then edit and alter it's colour using the graph, the collar will change to match.
When satisfied with your colour click Next and it will ask you for a name. We don't want you to forget where you stored your concoction of colour so using channel 5 you
get to name your colour then click Save. And voila there it is on the menu and a [C] will appear by it's name when in use to show you that you're using a Custom colour.
If a custom colour is currently active when the script is reset the script will detect it as non-default and resave it. This only occurs for the current active colour not for all
custom colours at this time
But what is the (mostly self explanatory) delete button for then? Click it, then select a Custom colour and poof, deleted and back to New ready to be customized again.
Have fun with it :)
-- Access -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The collar is under the control of Anthemion Hybrid Access 2.0. For those that don't know what that is and what it does, here's a run
Hybrid Access 2.0 (aka Hybrid) uses a mix between key and owner systems. While it functions on keys the first difference is that keys
are persistent, they act as a level of ownership unto themselves. After that you have multiple access levels:
Owner - A single person defined by the wearer as their Owner (Master/Mistress)
Trusted - A list of people who are friends
Group - The currently active group of the product (a product mimics the active group of the wearer when worn)
Blacklist - A list of people who cannot access anything (the collar will just act as if they never clicked on it)
User - Everyone else who doesn't fit in the previous five
Utilizing these levels of access the wearer can configure several settings.
Send Keys - This function allows the wearer to send the keys to their Owner, a member of their Trusted list, or a nearby User
Overrides - Use with Caution! Any group with Override powers will automatically take the keys when they try regardless of who
currently has them. Set Owner always has Override powers, Trusted and Group are default Off but can be turned on by the wearer if
no Owner is set, or by the Owner if one is set (wearer cannot alter Overrides if an Owner is set)
Permissions - The heart of Hybrid the permissions allow the wearer to configure what parts of the device the four access groups can
utilize. Be it taking keys, locking or setting a timer. Each user group (Owner, Trusted, Group, User) can be configured separately. The
possible permissions available in the sheath are:
(When denied the User Group will be unable to preform the listed action)
Take Keys
Set Timer
Set Colour, Texutre and Shine
Force TP
Accept TP - Toggle on or off force/accept TP from your set owner
-- Walk -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Walk is a custom made function found in the Control menu (under Travel) designed such because I felt we had RLV methods for blocking most other forms of travel
but people can still walk around. Well, native SL Scripting allows to block walking so here it is.
The Walk button itself is the standard toggle found in the rest of the Control menu, the Walk Settings menu contains further options to configure it. This settings menu
allows you to set which directions are allowed or denied. If you want to allow your sub to walk forward but not backwards, easily done. Unable to jump? Done.
Note #1: Due to Linden Labs.. ehem, oversight, there is no "Turn Left" and "Turn Right" you only get "Turn". Somewhere in the scripting language these two commands
(they do exist separately) are conjoined and refuse to operate separately. Blocking Turn Left would block Turning Right too even if you don't want it to. Sadly this
means it's a both or neither situation so a singular "Turn" option is all I can give you.
Note #2: Due to the way LSL applies permissions this function will have no effect if someone else is also trying to take control using the same functions.
-- Force TP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Force TP is a landmark based teleport system, using landmarks found in the collars inventory the user can, via menu control, force the wearer (sub) to teleport to the
landmark location. But with it being an attachment that means you're limited to teleporting them to places they (the sub) add only right?
Wrong. Click the Add button and small metal sphere will rez. This is a dropbox, while it is owned by the sub it is rezzed in world and is thus subject to AllowInventoryDrop
like it was a mailbox. Simply drag and drop a landmark from your inventory onto the dropbox while holding the control key and the dropbox will send the landmark onto the
collar for immediate use.
Note: While the dropbox is in world (either a time limit of two minutes or when the Done button is pressed) anyone, and I mean anyone, can add landmarks to it and have
them appear in the collar. Use with caution, or reckless abandon as you see fit.
-- Timers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The default setting is addition to timer, selecting a digit of time will add it to how long the collar is locked for. To remove time select the Minus option and then a digit
of time to remove it from the timer.
To set a delay (a delay will run in the background and only trigger the time lock when it expires) select the Delay option and add or remove digits of time in the same
fashion as the Timer. Swap back to timer with the Timer button.
Clear will erase (setting to 0:00:00) the current mode you're on, be that Delay or Timer.
Start will activate the Timer (or Delay if there is one). Selecting Start as the wearer (setting a timer for self bondage) will lock you, the wearer, out of the menu
as well as lock your ability to remove the modual or unlock the overall collar until the timer has expired.
Version 2: The operation of the time remains the same, but support for multiple timers has been added, before you get to setting the timer you'll have to pick which timer
you want from a sub menu.
-- Engraving --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Engraving is text that you can apply to the front of the collars band, split into two groups of eight (8) characters flanking the central clasp.
In order to set a label from the engraving menu select the side you wish to engrave on and then press the engrave button which will prompt you to write out the label you
wish to apply. Each side, eight characters each, can hold separate messages. From there you can set the colour of each sides text and the alignment of each sides text.
The collar has the ability to read it's own engraving so even after a script reset the engraving will remain and the script will report what is written there, what colour it is and
what alignment it has (with the exception that full length (eight character) messages are always considered as Centred even if they're Left or Right aligned because it has
no effect and no unique way to identify it on script reset). If you wish to remove an engraving use the clear function.
-- RLV Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Where and what does RLV do with my collar? (This will explain what activating things will do, deactivating them will do the opposite)
Lock [Prevents the collar from being detached (@detach=n,editobj:collar=n)]
Leash [Blocks the wearer from teleporting while the leash is active (@tplm=n,tploc=n,tplure=n,editobj:leashanchor=n)]
Control [Allows for nearly all RLV functions to be manipulated]
-- *Feedback -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The *Feedback notecard is found in the collars inventory and is key to determining what each action "says". When you lock the collar a feedback message is spoken
on public, in this notecard you can set what it says. Why then does it need a bit of explanation? Because in order to incorporate names (which, duh, change depending
on who does what) a specific code has to be used, here's the breakdown:
(Wearer is the person wearing the collar, User is the person currently touching the collar or causing an action: ie %t locks the collar
would turn out Lylani locks the collar because I clicked lock)
%m [ Wearers first name ]
m% [ Wearers last name ]
%M [ Wearers full name ]
%t [ Users first name ]
t% [ Users last name ]
%T [ Users full name ]
%g [ His/Her ]
g% [ He/She ]
%G [ Himself/Herself ]
-- Safeword ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Some people have expressed in the past their desire to be without a safeword, this is their choice and while I do not agree with it and will continue to put Safewords
into my products I will also add, as I have in this product, the support for removing it. Now then.
In order to, with fully knowledge of what you're doing, remove the safeword you have to manually remove the script 'Ant:Safeword' from the collars inventory.
By doing this you agree that the safeword will not function (in fact the collar goes as far as detecting it's removal and removes it from its menus so you can't even
click on a useless button) and that should any harm or bad situation befall you, you're the one to blame.
Removing, and even replacing (so keep track of it if you want), the 'Ant:Safeword' script will (should) not effect any other function in the collar it should just add or
remove the option and core function of the Safeword alone.
-- Credits ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iesus Sweetwater - For helping me test the collar and finding bugs that never seemed to pop up when you were offline.
When in doubt: reset the script. If problems persist please contact me and I'll see what I can do to fix it.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Anthemion Founder and Designer - Lylani Bellic
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